Ash Ford At Woodlake Lighted Tennis Court

Another block of a cluster of apartments appears on your side, and as you drive further, you'll see a wide expanse of open area of grass carpeted ground, where in the middle is an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Trees are planted around the open ground.

Designed to maximize sports enjoyment and safety, the Ashford at Woodlake lighted tennis court shows a standard Olympic-sized design of a sports court that allows the players to enjoy playing tennis with great privacy, surrounded by a wide expanse between two boulevards. It's virtually a 24-hour tennis court.

A noticeable feature of the Ashford at Woodlake lighted tennis court is the wide space and balanced ecology that residents can enjoy in relation to the useful outdoor sports facility that is integrated into the total Ashford at Woodlake apartment design complex. Since there's much more breathing space in a green environment, relaxing becomes second nature.

The exciting Ashford at Woodlake lighted tennis court is complemented by other community amenities such as a breathtaking wooded view, wireless internet that you can experience even by the poolside, an outdoor sport court, a community center, open parking spaces, a fitness center, an Olympic-sized pool with sundeck, and of course a great location.

Playing tennis at the Ashford at Woodlake lighted tennis court can complement your fitness program and enhance wellness. After your tennis stint, the swimming pool or your apartment bathroom itself is another fine place to relax. Jump into the pool or take a warm shower in the bathroom, whichever way you create another comfort zone.

Aside from tennis, you can play any related outdoor sport that uses nets like volleyball and badminton but just for fun, even with people watching by the benches, and even at night with two sets of floodlights raining down on the green rubberized Ashford at Woodlake lighted tennis court.

You can schedule a tour and have a firsthand look at Ashford at Woodlake, a fine time to view the tennis court this Christmas. Call now at (301) 890-6400 or you can drive in to our site at 14175 Castle Blvd Silver Spring, Maryland 20904. Office hours are 9:00 am - 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday and 10:00 am - 5:00 pm on Saturdays, and 11:00 am - 5:00 pm on Sundays. 

Ashford Woodlake Gallery

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